The Manufacturer's Roundel is the distinct mark of the maker of a Service Martini, and is found on the weapon's buttstock along with the "Mark of arm" and "Class of arm" markings. As you will notice, some manufacturers had many different varieties of roundel, while some manufacturers (NAA Co) have no surviving example of a roundel.

NAA Co Roundel Example Found!

Royal Small Arms Factory (RSAF) Enfield

First style Enfield roundel used on M-H MkI, 1872

Second style Enfield roundel, used on M-H MkI, 1872

Third style Enfield roundel used on M-H MkI, 1873

Fourth style Enfield roundel, used on late MkI's and later mark M-H's

Enfield roundel seen on some 1896 manufactured M-E's

Enfield roundel seen on late model M-E's. Adopted as the standard Enfield roundel

The meaning of "RM" is unknown, but many hold it to mean "Royal Manufactory"


Birmingham Small Arms and Metal Co. (BSA & M Co, BA & A Co, BSA & A Co)

This roundel was used exclusively on the M-H MkI

Roundel seen on the M-H MkII and later manufactured by BSA & M Co.

This special BSA roundel is noted only on the pattern arm for the M-M MkI rifle made for Western Australia


Henry Rifled Barrel Company (HRB Co)

This roundel is seen on M-H rifles and carbines made by HRB in the early 1890's and on some Metford conversions

Later version seen on M-E Carbines


London Small Arms Company (LSA Co)

Oddly, LSA's early roundel featured the year of manufacture. Notice the city of manufacture is indicated, but the manufacturer code/initials for LSA is not

LSA's later style roundel pictured here. Note the omission of the date of manufacture


Birmingham Repair Facility

Weapons serviced at the Birmingham Repair Facility will bear this marking on the buttstock. Notice again a year stamp. This is believed to be the year the repairs were made to the weapon

Note the later Birmingham Repair roundel omits the center "WD" marking in accordance with a directive to remove this marking from government stores

Images Courtesy of Ian Skennerton. Reproduced from "A Treatise on the British Military Martini" Vol. 3 by Barry Temple and Ian Skennerton

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Last Modified: 12/05/04