“Part Two” of Book Commemorating Boer War Weapons

A Pictorial History of Rifle Stock Art from the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902
by Dave C. George

Exceptional interest in Part One of ‘Carvings from the Veldt’ has uncovered many additional carved weapons and much encouragement to embark upon a second ‘follow-on’ edition. The new book features 306 new firearms: rifles, carbines and handguns used by both sides, the Boers as well as British and Colonial soldiers. The hard-covered book contains over 1,400 images (most of which are in color) of carved and engraved weapons. In addition there are a further 25 farm maps, official forms and letters etc. There is also a selection of swords, bayonets, bandoliers, ammunition, medals, a large variety of unit badges and headgear worn by both sides. Included are two new chapters covering Anglo-Boer War re-enactor groups (in six countries) and Anglo-Boer war trench-art and carvings (such as pipes and mementos carved in Boer POW camps).

A large selection of rifles and carbines are featured, as used by both sides (all in color). These include 14 variations of the Martini-Henry, Martini-Metford, Martini-Enfield, Westley Richards Improved Martini etc.

The service histories of Boers and soldiers are researched along with many previously unpublished original photos of groups of Boers and soldiers. Amongst the Boer weapons are four carved rifles that were used by famous Boer Generals. Also featured are 70 weapons that were used or souvenired by British and Colonial officers and troops (British, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders). This book is guaranteed to be of interest to a wide variety of collectors and military historians. The book is A4 size, hard cover and has 350 pages. Stocks arrived in March 2009.

Retail price = Aus $115.00 per book - PLUS postage & packing. (Add $10.00 postage for one book to all states in Australia and $15.00 for two books. I will supply postage prices for 3 or more books on request).

For readers in the USA and UK, the following are approximate exchange values for the price of the book:
Australian Dollar $115.00 = US $98.00 and UK Sterling = 66.00 Pounds, plus postage.



CARVINGS from the VELDT, Part II now available from Man At Arms...

Man At Arms Magazine  (Attention: Kristin Hoffman)
Mowbray Publishing
54 East School St.
Woonsocket, RI 02895
ph. 401-597-5055
fax 401-597-5056